David Cheng
Member at Large
Tell us something about yourself.
I live to eat. I enjoy trying all different cuisines from around the world but my favorites are Asian food. Additionally, I’m originally from SoCal, and you will always see me wearing Cal gear. Go Bears!
How did you start playing pickleball?
Our friends introduced us to pickleball at the San Mateo HS gym, and we got addicted immediately. The rest is history.
What do you like most about pickleball?
The best part of pickleball are the friendships. We have many new friends who we met through pickleball but hang out outside of pickleball such as having meals together, going to concerts, going on vacations, etc. Fun times!
Why do you serve on the Board?
The primary reason why I am joining the board is to be an advocate for pickleball, so that pickleball continues to be enjoyed by the community. The popularity of pickleball will only continue to rise, so I want to help pave the way and support the growth.